Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Reintroduction, Hello! I'm Faith

We all know there are 1000s of blogs online. We may or may not have the privilege of getting to know the individual bloggers. I am giving you a chance to get to know me.

I am currently employed as an Adjunct Instructor at my local four-year, liberal arts university. I teach in the Department of Communication. The courses I teach currently involve design and marketing. Teaching on the university level in my field was not something I had envisioned doing ten years ago. Since getting the proverbial foot in the door in January 2015, the joy of sharing my knowledge with students that will go out into the world with their skills has brought fulfillment.

In addition to my day job, I also freelance as a photographer. I enjoy photography and I hope that next year I can take a weekend and visit the Appalachian Mountains in East Tennessee to create a fall portfolio. Until then I enjoy visiting the local state park, Montgomery Bell, for amazing photos. I am not solely a landscape photographer. Portraits are fun to take and create a sense of accomplishment when a moment in time is captured.

Part of the freelance work I do includes marketing, specifically social media campaigns. Educating my clients on proper social media usage for their organization or business is my intent while showing them how to promote themselves in a positive manner that attracts visitors and customers.

Also! I am currently taking signups for my 2016 Fall Mini-Session. Would you be interested? October 8th in Dickson County. Dependant on how many sign-up will depend on the location.

There is also a contest going on for a FREE Christmas Photoshoot. Make sure to check it out and nominate somebody you feel deserves a photo shoot. Having holiday pictures is always a fun thing.

I do need to note that I am a natural light photographer. That is important. I use the light around us, this means the majority of my work is outside. This isn't a problem as long as the weather cooperates.

I pray you have enjoyed getting to know a little bit more about me. If you have any questions or comments, please comment below. Let me know you are there!

Have a great day!

P.S. I do still write, I am in fact working on prepping for NaNoWriMo.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Surprise! Christmas Photo Shoot Giveaway

I promised a little over a week ago that I had an announcement for a Christmas photo shoot giveaway. So here are the details...

YOU nominate a person, couple, or family for a shoot by submitting a 200-400 word essay about why they deserve it. What are some reasons? It could be anything. Updated portrait, new family member, and the desire for professional shots.

Here is the low down.

Submissions have to be received by October 15th at faith(at)
Submissions are to include your name and contact information, the nominee's name and contact information, and the essay.

The winner will be notified by October 20th.

The winner will receive a 30-minute photo shoot. This photo shoot will include 10 digital photos and a print release. The award will expire 2/28/2017.

Get your submissions in!

If there are any questions at all please ask.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Back to School Pictures

**** This was rescheduled to August 6th because of weather. If the date won't work, PLEASE comment or email me and we will work something out.****

I have decided to do a Back to School Photoshoot. The shoot will either be at Montgomery Bell State Park or in Downtown Dickson. I will have a firm answer by July 27th.  At Montgomery Bell Park - Church Hollow

The Photoshoot itself will be on July 30th. I will be shooting from 10am until 5pm.

What is included with the photoshoot?
  • 30 minute shoot
  • 5 edited photos on disk
  • print release
This is for the cost of $20.

Are you interested?


Please make sure to include your mailing address when ordering and a valid email address.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What is the point?

Through different phases in life, there will be mentors, teachers, speakers, pastors, or even friends that will ask a question that we all need to ask ourselves.

What is your why?

At first, you may wonder what kind of question is that. What do you mean, what is your why?

In order to understand the question, a definition of why needs to be presented. For the purpose of this question, why is essentially your motivation or your purpose. The reason you are doing what you are doing. The goal that you are working towards. Your endgame.

Some people have meditated and thought about it, possibly even participated in a workshop, to discover what their why is.

As I have sat down and meditated for myself, I try to go step by step. First, I think about where do I want to be and what do I want to be doing in a month. (I know, we all want to be rich and vacationing on a deserted island while be waited on hand and foot.) Seriously, in one month where do you want to be? Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and so on…

After I focus on a realistic outlook for a month, I do the same for a year, then 5 years, and so on.

The point of determining where you want to be is for you to have a goal.

In a month, I want to have the novel I am working on fully written and in the process of editing. This leads to my desire to be a professional author. (I am already an author as I do have a short eBook published.) For me, my endgame is to be able to live adequately from my earnings as an author. Sure, I may do crafts and continue to do photography, bu the focus of my endgame is writing.

How did I work through my why?

I have always enjoyed writing. I haven written poems, story shorts, plays, and so on. (I even enjoy writing academic papers when the topic is my forte.)  The jobs I have had through my adult life, even if they were not directly related to writing, I found a way. Worked at a large discount store and found ways to write stories about regular customers, co-workers, and that one person that will stand out every once and a while. Writing was my destresser. Now, I teach in Communication Arts. Let me tell you, I do a lot of writing.e ame is to ub og.orkyou are doing. on, I write lesson plans, I write presentations, I write examples, I write things I never knew I would need to write. (Sorry, I happened to get a little carried away there.)

So, my why

My why or motivation, or purpose, is to be the best writer I can be. In order to get there, I will have to have set goals and deadlines. I can’t wait until I am 90 to start writing, I have to start now.
I am doing what I am doing today so that I can be a successful writer in the future that can live a simple but abundant life.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Get up and do it

I am in process of reawakening the Muse. 6.5 years of academic writing has caused a stifle. I don't regret getting my degrees at all. I believe I have grown as an individual and as a writer. Now I just have to focus and dedicate my time.

The key to getting past the stifle is to push yourself. Not every writer has something brilliant to write everyday. Writing is a practice. Just like photography, there are days and days of okay shots and then one day there is the pay off.

The hope to have an amazing book for others to read and a visually stimulating portfolio for others to enjoy, involve the same dedication.

1. Get up every morning.
2. Write.
3. Repeat.