Monday, September 26, 2022

Monday Check-In

 Have you ever had something you enjoyed but maybe were not amazing at it? Or maybe there was something that you used to do and because of life stopped doing.

Back at least ten years ago, there was this video blog group that I was connected to. It was fun. Members of the group would submit questions and we would all do a vlog answering the questions. Real people being real with everyone else. 

With that said, I enjoy getting to know those that have started following me for content and those that have read what I have written. I know I do not have a lot published right now, but it is growing. :)


- would you be interested in hearing from me once a week? (most likely posting the vlog on Mondays)

- would you like to submit questions about projects I am working on?

- do you think it would be a waste of internet space?

- what would you like to see?

I'm thinking I just might do this but on my Patreon page.

Monday Check-In with Faith Tilley Johnson

Friday, September 23, 2022

Friday Featured Photo - September 23, 2022


full moon on a cloudy night

*sneeze* Don't mind the dust

FTJ in blue filter.
 Do you ever get angry at yourself for lack of follow thru? Just me? eh...

So. I enjoy writing and taking photos. It is a necessary outlet for the creative side of my neurological hub. In the last few months, I have learned a lot about myself and the importance of being true to myself. Sadly, I put a paycheck before that. (Still working though and I'm just going to have to work around that.)

I enjoy sharing my favorite photos of the week on Fridays. 

I enjoy making video podcasts. (It's been a while, but still.)

I LOVE writing. And while I have been working on some projects, they have stalled.

Thus here is to kick things back in gear.

I now have an account on Medium and I will be posting there.

I also have a Patreon and I will be sharing more content there specific to the creative side of my work. This is also where I will develop interactivity with my followers.

I pray you will follow along this journey. And hey, the more interaction I get the more I will produce content. :)